Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 23 my babies have finally arrived

Got a call yesterday (I was doing a field trip) while I was down in Roanoke from the post office in Dullas that the chicks were in if I wanted to pick them up. While I would have been ecstatic to have them here a day early, I was not driving an hour and half to pick them up. He said they'd be at my local office Monday anyway. So I got the call they were at the local post office around 8:30 am ran into town for a few last minute things and picked them up on the way home. I expected them on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I was ready for them regardless. For once I was prepared. They've adjusted quite nicely, quieted down quite a bit too. But boy are they messy. Last time I used cedar shavings as a base. That was a pain clean and dusty too. I read on Facebook (Pet Chickens of Virginia) about a tip for using puppy training pads instead. Cleanup looks like it might be easier, time will tell. I got 10 Rhode Island reds, 15 Red Rangers plus they gave me a extra one and 1 that looks like a Buff Laced Polish. Time will tell if it's a he or she. I have no clue how to sex a bird, not at this point anyway. Total of 27 birds.


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