Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Day....

     Well another day in life at our homestead. I said to myself I was going to post here everyday for a month to get in the habit on doing daily posts. Life does get in the way at times. Yesterday was the wife's birthday and I spent a good chunk of the day clearing up my mess about the house for her surprise party. Then partook in some libations. The next day was Scout Sunday with the Cub Scouts and the rest of the day spent in the ER with my youngest boy. Never a dull moment.

     I did manage a some point to order some chicks from a chicken hatchery. So with some luck, hopefully all that will be behind me and everything will turn out alright with the little one. Now I can hopefully get working on finding some Heritage Breed hogs within a short driving distance and start working on getting some animals here on the farm.