They say when one door closes another one opens. I decided to take matters into my own hands and open another door. Not that I don't like door number one, it's just that I want to try and take my family down another road and see where the path leads us.
My wife thinks I have become obsessed. Perhaps I have. The more I try and talk to her about what I find, the more she says I am obsessed. She called me a hippie today. A hippie? Hmm. They seem to be a happy group. Sure I'll be a hippie, if it brings me and my family some solitude and well being. Some self confidence, to the fact that we won't need to rely on other people to provide for us. If it means living a healthier lifestyle. "You better not give up meat, cause that's where I draw the line" she told me. Give up meat,,,, never. I love me a good steak with all the fixins. Some juicy bacon with some eggs (liquid chicken) and home fries. The more I read on what is allowed in our food, the more mad I get at our Government agencies for permitting it. We all hear the stories about "do you know what's in a hot dog?" Or did you know they (USDA) allow a certain parts per millions of mouse droppings in our food supply? Could these stories be actually true? I thought to myself NO WAY! No way would our Government allow us to eat things we really weren't designed to eat. No way would "they" allow poisons to be ingested by the Citizens of this great country we call home. I try to instill values with the kids, I try to teach them to be good people. I try to teach them to be productive. I now I am trying to teach them to be self reliant.
My quest to provide good wholesome food for my family. Food that won't encourage sickness. Food that will keep their bodies healthy. Keep them out of the doctors office. Keep them healthier than I am myself. To give them the insight that there is more to nourishment than pushing 2 minutes on a microwave. This is my quest.
It all started for me the day I found out azodicarbonamide was in flour. Here I am cooking things from scratch not only to try and help feed my family healthier food. To eat as little processed food as we could. I must admit I enjoy cooking from scratch. I enjoy taking several items and creating a masterpiece. Call me Alton Brown or Bobby Flay. That's cool I joke and call myself Chef Boy R Dee. I feel like an artist working on a live set. The plate is my backdrop and the ingredients are my palette of colors. Like many things in life as mysterious as it is, when something comes a knocking it pop's up elsewhere. Shortly after I found out about this ingredient the rest of the world did too. Wasn't it bad enough that we are eating cellulose. Wasn't it enough that I have IBS, and needed to be on a high fiber diet. Fiber that I thought was derived from whole wheat or other grains. Not a tree. So my quest went on, and I was forced to dig deeper. Things keep popping up like; Why are we the only country to mandate refrigeration of our eggs? Food is supposed to be natural, healthy and most important, enjoyable. Not a blop of goop like you see served to prisoners in a movie. The ingredients should not be the first two rules of Fight Club. I am Mike's colon and this is his quest.
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